Monday, October 1, 2012

FloraDuo B - 1 Gallon - General Hydroponics

See FloraDuo B - 1 Gallon - General Hydroponics

If you want to buy FloraDuo B - 1 Gallon - General Hydroponics online, please click the picture or the check price button below to see more detail, review, overview, customer review and updated price for FloraDuo B - 1 Gallon - General Hydroponics. And finally you can buy FloraDuo B - 1 Gallon - General Hydroponics online with easy shipping to your home.

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FloraDuo B - 1 Gallon - General Hydroponics Description:

FloraDuo is a two-part mineral nutrient, FloraDuo A (formerly Grow) and FloraDuo B (formerly Bloom).

Using only two components it is possible to mix a large range of different nutrient blends for different kinds of plants and for different phases of growth from seedling through harvest.

The ratios of primary, secondary and micronutrients all change with different blends; each tailored to meet specialized plant needs.

It can be used for all plants and all gardening methods including hydroponics, potted plants in prepared soil mixes, coco blends and garden soils.

FloraDuo B - 1 Gallon - General Hydroponics Features:

  • FloraDuo B Gallon

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