Sunday, June 10, 2012

CX Hydroponics - Wilt Guard 1 Liter

See CX Hydroponics - Wilt Guard 1 Liter

If you want to buy CX Hydroponics - Wilt Guard 1 Liter online, please click the picture or the check price button below to see more detail, review, overview, customer review and updated price for CX Hydroponics - Wilt Guard 1 Liter. And finally you can buy CX Hydroponics - Wilt Guard 1 Liter online with easy shipping to your home.

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CX Hydroponics - Wilt Guard 1 Liter Description:

Stop wilting in its tracks Use for preventing wilting & eliminating Pythium There are a lot of challenges to be met when you grow a crop. This is especially so in the indoor garden as the crop is entirely dependent on you to provide it with all its requirements. One of the major issues is that of root disease. The hydroponic environment provides the ideal conditions for your crop but ALSO provides the ideal environment for diseases that attack your crop. While disease attacking the aerial parts of the plants is always noticeable, those attacking the root systems do their destructive work in th

CX Hydroponics - Wilt Guard 1 Liter Features:

  • The mechanism by which these guard cells operate is potassium based osmotic pressure. By using Wilt Guard, you are ensuring the best possible conditions for this process to take effect. IMAGE AT TOP These two plants were grown with a nutrient solution infested with Pythium and Phytophthora root diseases. The plant on the right was treated with Wilt Guard and the plant on the left received no treatment.

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